Using BRT Stations Safely

Metro has 45 new bus rapid transit stations along the Rapid Route A line. Most of these new stations are located in the center of the street, where riders will board both eastbound and westbound buses. 

Please keep in mind the following safety guidelines when using Metro’s new Bus Rapid Transit system and stations.

A pedestrian crosswalk leading up to an accessible bus rapid transit station on Baldwin street

Pedestrian Crosswalks

Most of Metro's new BRT stations are located in the center of the street.

Crosswalks are wider, with new freshly painted lines, and pedestrian lights have been re-timed to make it easy to get to the station. 

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Please keep these in mind when crossing to station:

  • Only cross at pedestrian signals.
  • Check traffic and only step into street when the pedestrian signal audibly and visually indicate its safe to cross.
  • Countdown signals indicate how much time you have to cross.
  • Use the ramp up to the station. Do not attempt to step into or cross the platform at any time

Platform Waiting Area

Please arrive at stations five minutes prior to departure and have your fare ready before you board.
Have your Fast Fare ready or buy a 1-ride ticket or daily pass at a station ticket vending machine. Cash is not accepted on the bus. Board through any available door. 

When waiting for your bus, stand a safe distance from the edge of the platform.
Raised warning bumps on either sides of the stations let you know where to wait safely away from the edge of the platform. The bumpy pad is a reminder for everyone that there is a drop-off at the edge.

Wayfinding tiles on the ground also provide direction to where bus doors will open when they arrive at the station. Wait behind the strip of warning bumps as your bus approaches

If you are using a mobility device, please wait at the middle door. Riders boarding with a bike should board in the rear doors. Look for images on the ground to help you. 

wheelchair symbol on the ground near middle boarding door

When the Bus Arrives

  • As your bus is due for arrival, or coming in the next one minute, you will first hear an audible announcement made at the stations. As the bus approaches the station, listen for the bus tires make contact with the station’s docking strips to get as close to the station as possible. 
  • Once stopped the bus will deploy ramps for level boarding with the station platform, making it easy to roll or walk onto the vehicle.
  • Enter at the applicable door, and tap your Fast Fare card. 

Information on New Traffic Lanes

  • Only use crossing areas designed for pedestrians
  • Be aware that buses and vehicles now share the road differently
  • Bus-only lanes are shared with first responder vehicles

Learn More About Traffic Lanes

Security Cameras

  • For everyone's safety and security, cameras are placed at all BRT stations.
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