The City of Madison Beaches & Lifeguard Services begin June 16


The City of Madison Beaches and lifeguard services begin June 16. The season will run through September 3. The lifeguard services schedule corresponds with the Madison Metropolitan School District schedule. BB Clarke, Olbrich, Tenney and Vilas Park Beach hours will be daily from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Please note that Vilas Park Beach will also be open from June 11-15, noon-6:00p.m. Bernie's, Esther, James Madison, Olin, Spring Harbor and Warner Beach hours will be daily from 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Olbrich, BB Clarke, Vilas and Tenney Park beaches have showers, changing rooms and concessions available. BB Clarke Beach has a diving platform. Conditions of the beaches change often. The Health Department monitors the weekly condition and bacteria count at the beaches. Check the website for weekly beach conditions.


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