Not Just Hydrants - Clear Snow and Ice from Emergency Exits


With more snow on the way, the City of Madison Fire Department reminds all residents to help keep fire hydrants clear. But there are other areas that require special attention. But also during this time of year, Code Enforcement officers frequently find emergency exit doors frozen shut. Snow and ice should not obstruct any exits from buildings; this includes emergency exits and alternate exits. All ice and snow should be removed from building steps and exits at least 15 feet from each building. Know at least two escape routes from every room in your office or home. And be familiar with all exits from your building. Removal of snow and ice from pathways, sidewalks and driveways also allows paramedics to move the ambulance cot quickly to and from emergency medical calls. Throughout the year, all exits should be free of obstructions such as vehicles, dumpsters, and trash or recycling carts.

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