What Do You Think About the New Preliminary Designs for the 700-800 Blocks of State Street and Library Mall?


Public Meeting Scheduled for August 13

The City of Madison, in partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is developing plans for the reconstruction of the 700 and 800 Blocks of State Street (Lake Street to Park Street) and Library Mall. Two preliminary design concepts have been developed that create a special place at the intersection of two recently constructed iconic Madison corridors, State Street and East Campus Mall. The design will honor the history of the location while balancing the wide array of users and activities that occur there. A public informational and stakeholder input meeting will be held on August 13, 2013 from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Memorial Union's Tripp Commons (second floor). The meeting will begin promptly at 7 pm with a short presentation on the preliminary design concepts and the steps that lead to their creation, followed by an opportunity for attendees to provide input on the concepts. City of Madison, University of Wisconsin, and design team staff will be on hand to answer questions and guide the public input process. The preliminary design concepts were developed based, in large part, on public input that has been received through public meetings, stakeholder interviews, on-site chalkboards, and other venues. The City of Madison plans to reconstruct the State Street portion of the project beginning in 2014. The University of Wisconsin will use preliminary plans to plan and budget for reconstructing Library Mall. More information about this project can be found on the City of Madison Roadworks projects website www.cityofmadison.com/engineering/statest/ . This website provides current project information, and will be updated throughout the project duration. Those interested in project updates are encouraged to sign up through the City's My Account program at my.cityofmadison.com. ###


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