City of Madison, Dane County Move Forward on Cottage Grove Road Project
After five years of planning, the Cottage Grove Road project is moving forward. The City of Madison and Dane County reached agreement on funding for the project, which is expected to begin construction Spring 2020.
“I am so happy to be able to find a resolution to this thorny east side problem with County Executive Parisi,” Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said. “The Cottage Grove reconstruction project will improve road conditions for many residents on the East side, especially those who drive and commute on the bus. The reconstruction will also make this road more pedestrian friendly and accessible for cyclists -- improvements both the City and County are committed to.”
Cottage Grove Road from North Star Drive to Sprecher Road will be reconstructed and expanded from a two-lane road to a four-lane boulevard, which includes sidewalks, bike lanes and a grassed median. Bidding on the project is set to take place this December. Pending weather, construction is expected to begin in April 2020. The City and County hope to reach project completion on Cottage Grove Road in October 2020.
“I very much appreciate being able to collaborate on yet another important project with the City,” Dane County Executive Joe Parisi said. “The far East side is experiencing rapid growth, and it’s important that our infrastructure keeps pace.”
The project will include the following improvements:
- New curb and gutters
- New asphalt pavement
- On-street bike lanes in both directions will be added and will be separated from traffic by a painted buffer for extra safety
- Sidewalks will be added to both sides of the street where it does not exist currently
- Pedestrian-activated flashing yellow lights on McLean Drive will be added
- Street lighting will be added to the entire length of the project
- A new water main will be installed from Interstate I-39/90 to McLean Drive, which will include digging a new water main under the Interstate.
- An existing water main from McLean Drive to Sprecher Road will remain in place.
- Storm sewers will be added to entire length of street
Cottage Grove Road will remain open during construction with one lane in each direction.
Bus detours
Metro Transit service will operate as scheduled, with temporary bus stops provided as needed.
Water Shut Offs
Residents impacted by this project should expect 1-2 planned water shutoffs during the project. Residents will be notified at a minimum of 48 hours before the shut-offs. Each shut-off may last up to eight hours, but typically lasts about 4-5 hours. Emergency shut-offs may need to happen if the main is unexpectedly damaged during construction. If an emergency shut-off is necessary, affected properties will be notified as quickly as possible.
City, County Responsibilities
The project is funded using federal, City of Madison and Dane County funds. Property owners adjacent to the project will be assessed for certain items of work in accordance with City ordinances and policies.
The total project cost, including design and construction, is $8,730,000 and includes $2,070,000 for new water main. The total roadway cost (excluding water main) is $6,650,000.
The City reached an agreement with Dane County on project cost sharing for Cottage Grove Road. Of the roadway portion, federal funds will total $3,450,000, City funds will total $1,990,000 and County funds total $1,210,000. Maintenance for the road will remain the same, where the County and City will continue to work together. The City has agreed to plow more of Buckeye Road and the County will continue to plow Cottage Grove Road.
Resolutions reflecting the agreements will be introduced to the City of Madison Common Council and the Dane County Board of Supervisors in the coming weeks.
December 2019: Bidding
Spring 2020: Public Information Meeting
April 2020: Start Construction
October 2020: Scheduled Construction Completion