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City of Madison Works to Support Restaurant Carry-Out Service
In response to concerns of City restaurants and patrons, Madison Parking Utility is assisting with temporary loading zone parking restrictions adjacent to local restaurants providing carry-out service. While on-street parking meters, residential parking only restrictions, and 1-hour and 2-hour time limit restrictions in non-metered areas are relaxed City-wide through April 5th, to allow all-day parking, all other posted restrictions should be followed.
On-street locations posted with temporary loading zone restrictions will allow for short-term parking only for patrons to be able to park in front of an establishment for a quick pick-up without concern of a parking ticket.
While unable to open State Street for parking due to insufficient space and continuity of Metro transit route service for critical workers across our city, parking has been blocked off in designated areas at cross streets to make for greater convenience to restaurant patrons. We encourage you to visit the downtown, stretch your legs with a brief walk, and patronize your favorite State Street establishments.
‘’We are continuing to work with our public and private partners to ensure our resident’s health,” said Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway. “I know this allowance will provide at least some relief to our small businesses, as we work together to patronize our local restaurants even if we can’t enjoy sit-down service.”
Restaurants and other businesses requesting assistance for on-street loading areas to facilitate carry-out and delivery can contact the Parking Utility front desk at (608) 266-4761 or email parking@cityofmadison.com (M-F 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM).
We are reviewing requests and to the extent possible will assign Parking field staff to post temp signage/ hood on-street metered spaces to create loading zone areas for carry-out and delivery needs. There is no fee charged at this time for these types of requests.