COVID-19 Update for Madison Parks

COVID-19 Update for Madison Parks
In compliance with the Emergency SAFER AT HOME Order by Governor Tony Evers, and through guidance from Public Health Madison & Dane County, the City of Madison Parks Division has the following updates to park amenities, activities, and facilities. Recognizing outdoor spaces play a critical role in the mental and physical wellbeing of our community trails and several off-leash dog parks will remain open with appropriate safety precautions taken.  

OPEN with safe social distancing and refrain from direct contact to any touchpoints (such as gates)
  • All trails are open to walking and biking (where previously allowed) - maintain 6' distance at all times, MORE INFORMATION
  • Off-Leash Dog Parks – Brittingham, Quann, Sycamore and Warner – all others remain closed from the spring thaw closures.
  • Community gardens - signage at locations by Community Groundworks, MORE INFORMATION
  • Boat launches - Piers are installed at Marshall, Olbrich, Olin, Tenney and Warner and may be used with the following precautions:
    • One Person per Pier - please take turns and be courteous of others 
    • Common Touchpoints - use gloves, and hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes 
    • Daily and Annual Permits - may be purchased ONLINE only, iron rangers are temporarily removed

  • Playgrounds – signage in place at 178 playgrounds throughout the system
  • Basketball Courts – signage at the most popular locations
  • Restrooms – most remain closed from the winter season, we are evaluating the status of restrooms in high traffic areas.
  • Disc Golf Courses – Hiestand and Elver remain closed from the winter season, Yahara Hills now closed and baskets removed.
  • Athletic Fields – all remain closed from the winter season
  • Shelters, all remain closed from the winter season, Highland Manor and Gates of Heaven now closed
  • Drinking Fountains – remain off from the winter season
  • Skate park – now closed, signage in place
  • Tennis Courts and Pickleball Courts - signage at the most popular locations
  • Golf Courses - In addition to being closed to playing golf, the courses are also closed to walking your dog
NOTE: Per Emergency Order, these are effective through 8:00am, Friday, April 24, 2020 or until a superseding order is issued.

When spending time outside during COVID-19, please follow these recommendations from Public Health Madison & Dane County:
  • Do not use parks or trails if you are sick with symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath.
  • Maintain a social distance of at least six feet from people other than your household members.
  • Do not play team or contact sports. This includes but is not limited to basketball, ultimate frisbee, soccer, or football since these activities do not meet social distancing requirements. Suggested park activities include but are not limited to walking, biking, fishing, hiking, or running.
  • Assume that surfaces could have COVID-19.
  • Do not use playground equipment or sports courts. If you must touch any surface within the park such as gates, tables, handles, playground equipment or other common touchpoints, use gloves or a bag over your hand, then wash your hands or use hand sanitizer immediately after.
  • Practice good personal hygiene such as washing your hands, carrying your own hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes, sneezing or coughing into a tissue or the inside of your elbow, avoiding touching your face, etc.
  • Avoid public restrooms. Use the restroom before you leave your home.
  • Bring your own water or drinks since many public drinking fountains may be disabled and should not be used, even if operable.
  • Bring a trash bag with you and take out your own trash.
For updates on coronavirus (COVID-19), visit

Finally, remember that the 2020 Census is here.  Please help our community by taking the census today and encouraging your friends, family, and colleagues to as well.  It has never been easier to respond, whether online at, by phone, or by mail – all from the comfort and safety of your home



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