City of Madison Parking Restriction Update
The Parking Division is extending the suspension of Resident Permit-Only and 1-hour & 2-hour posted restrictions in non-metered areas, as well as, the suspension of Street Sweeping and Clean Streets Clean Lakes restrictions. We will continue to evaluate all changes on a week-by-week basis, making adjustments to best meet the needs of the community.
Visit https://www.cityofmadison.com/parking-utility/coronavirus to stay up-to-date on all parking and service changes. This site is updated with every change.
The following non-metered parking restrictions will remain temporarily suspended City-wide until further notice, and will not be enforced:
- Residential Permit Only areas
- 1-hour and 2-hour time posted limits in non-metered areas
- Street sweeping and Clean Streets-Clean Lakes program restrictions
Areas that ARE enforced:
- On-street meter fees are required during the hours of 8am-6pm, Monday-Saturday, with the exclusions of City holidays. The posted time limit restrictions at meters (i.e. 25 min, 1-hour, 2-hour) will also be enforced.
- All other posted parking restrictions.
Things to keep in mind:
- Temporary $5 daily maximum fee in all City-owned public parking garages, and the first hour of parking is free on Saturdays.
- Temporary restaurant pick-up loading zones will remain in effect, and the Parking Division will continue to consider requests from businesses for new temporary loading zones.
- The Transportation Office remains closed to the public. Walk in service is not available. We appreciate your patience while we prepare to safely re-open offices. Many services are, or have become, available online.
Visit the department website at: www.cityofmadison.com/parking-utility
Learn more about the City of Madison‘s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic online at: https://www.cityofmadison.com/health-safety/coronavirus
As a reminder, it is safest to remain home, but if you are required to leave your home, it is recommended to wear a cloth face cover as an additional tool to prevent spreading of the virus.
Please help keep our community healthy and safe by following Public Health Madison & Dane County recommendations and guidance.