Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan – 2021 Progress Update
Interactions with over 15,000 Madisonians, including historically underrepresented groups, helped shape the Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan. The Plan is now shaping the future of Madison.
The 2021 Progress Update for the Comprehensive Plan is now available. The Progress Update highlights projects from 2020 that have furthered implementation of Plan recommendations and tracks the status of each of the Plan’s Actions.
“The Comprehensive Plan is used when considering everything from City services and infrastructure to proposed development projects. This Progress Update summarizes the many ways in which Plan recommendations were advanced in 2020,” said Heather Stouder, Planning Division Director. A new Progress Update is released each summer with highlights from the previous calendar year.
The 2021 Progress Update is available in English, Spanish, and Hmong languages on the Imagine Madison website at: www.imaginemadisonwi.com/documents
About the Comprehensive Plan:
The Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2018, is the City’s high-level plan for the future. It includes recommendations regarding land use, transportation, housing, economic development, parks and open space, cultural resources, and a variety of services. The primary function of the Plan is to guide growth and development in the city over the 20-year planning horizon.