Alder Lindsay Lemmer Announces Resignation from Madison Common Council Effective May 11, 2022
Today, Alder Lindsay Lemmer, District 3, has announced her resignation from the Madison Common Council effective May 11, 2022, at noon.
“It is with mixed emotions that I share with you some big news: because I have accepted a senior position that will require my full attention, and my partner, Adam, has accepted a unique career opportunity on the west coast, I will be resigning from the City Council. My last day as Alder will be May 11, 2022,” said Alder Lemmer.
“Representing our community on the Madison Common Council has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I hope you know that only a unique opportunity for my partner, Adam, and I would take me away from this service,” Alder Lemmer added.
“We’re incredibly grateful for Alder Lemmer’s contributions to our community. We’re sad to see her go. We’ll miss her leadership on the Council, but we’re excited for her and Adam’s new opportunities,” said Council President Furman. “The council is losing a powerful voice with Alder Lemmer’s departure - we will miss her but wish her the best in her new travels and endeavors!” added Vice President Currie. “Alder Lemmer has served her district and our city well,” said Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, “she’s been a strong advocate for constituent concerns, but has also identified and successfully achieved policy changes in her time on Council. I wish her all the best.”
Lemmer was elected to the Common Council in April 2019 and re-elected in April 2021. She has served on the Plan Commission, the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County, Economic Development Committee, Public Market Development Committee, Ad Hoc Redistricting Committee, City-County Homeless Issues Committee, Common Council Executive Committee, Equal Opportunities Commission, Housing Strategy Committee, President's Work Group on Environmental Justice and President's Work Group to Review Council Communication Tools & Processes.
The procedure for filling a vacancy on the Common Council is set out in Madison General Ordinance 2.03 and Wisconsin State Statute 17.23(1)(a).
The Common Council President oversees the application process to fill the vacancy. Received applications are reviewed by the Common Council Executive Committee. This process includes an interview of applicants. After conducting interviews, the committee will make a recommendation to the Common Council. The Common Council then appoints the interim District 3 Alderperson to serve until a new alder is elected and sworn in on April 18, 2023.
The process to fill the vacancy will begin soon and a timeline will be made available in the near future.