Police Civilian Oversight Board Announces Finalists for Independent Monitor Position
The final candidates for the Independent Police Monitor position are Robin Copley, Rodney Saunders Jr., John Tate II, and Joel Winnig.
The finalists were introduced at a virtual event on Thursday, August 18th. The candidates had the opportunity to answer questions from members of the Police Civilian Oversight Board (PCOB).
Recordings of the candidate forum and the finalists’ Oral Board interviews are available on the Office of Independent Monitor website.
Provide feedback on the finalists to the PCOB in a survey, also available on the Office of Independent Monitor website. The feedback survey will be open until 11:59 on Tuesday, August 23.
The Police Civilian Oversight Board plans to conduct a final interview of the four final candidates, deliberate, and make a hiring decision in closed session at its August 25 meeting.