Applications Now Being Accepted for Police Civilian Oversight Board At-Large Seats
Deadline to apply is Tuesday, September 6, 2022
The application process for at-large nominations for two (2) seats on the City of Madison Police Civilian Oversight Board is now open. The deadline for submitting nominations or self-nominations is Tuesday, September 6, 2022.
The Civilian Oversight Board was established on September 1, 2020, when the Madison Common Council passed MGO sections 5.20 and 5.19 creating it and the Office of the Independent Police Monitor.
The Civilian Oversight Board shall strive to have a diverse composition in the following intersectional areas of lived experience and identities:
- Homelessness
- Mental health
- Substance abuse and/or arrest or conviction records
- Racial and ethnic diversity, including: African American; Asian; Latinx; Native American
- Members of the LGBTQ+ community; and affiliation with an organization in the field of: Mental Health; Youth Advocacy; and AODA. The Council and Mayor will also consider the following additional lived experiences and identities when making appointments: age, socioeconomic status, gender, geographic residence, and work experience. Individual members may represent more than one of the categories listed above.
Civilian Oversight Board members must be Madison residents when they are appointed, and may not have ever been employed by the MPD, be an immediate family member of current or former MPD employees, or worked as a law enforcement officer within the State of Wisconsin in the ten (10) years prior to becoming a Member of the Board. For purposes of this ordinance “immediate family” means an individual’s spouse or designated family or registered partner or an individual’s relative by marriage, lineal descent or adoption.
To apply for consideration for one of two (2) At-Large Civilian Oversight Board seats (one (1) voting member and one (1) alternate), please complete the following:
- Application for Police Civilian Oversight Board Appointment (available online on the Office of the Independent Police Monitor webpage) and send to pcob@cityofmadison.com with Civilian Oversight Board Application in the subject line, or print and send it to: Attn: COB Application; Office of the Independent Police Monitor Room 501A; 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.; Madison, WI 53703; or FAX to: 608-267-8669
- If you are being nominated by a person or group, please request that the nominating individual or organization provide supporting documentation (letter of support for the applicant) to pcob@cityofmadison.com with Civilian Oversight Board Application in the subject line
- Complete the Statement of Interests form online
If you have any questions about the application process, please email pcob@cityofmadison.com, with Civilian Oversight Board Application Questions in the subject line, or call the Office of the Independent Police Monitor at 608-261-7161.
Your application will become part of the public record, and the City believes this information would be subject to release in response to a public records request. We wanted to advise you of that potential in case it makes a difference in your decision to apply for the Board.