Fall 2022 Yard Waste & Leave Set-Out Dates Now Available


Residents get three curbside collection opportunities in the fall

The dates when City of Madison residents should set out their leaves & yard waste for curbside collection this upcoming fall are now available on the Streets Division’s website.

As a reminder, during the fall collection period residents receive three curbside pickup opportunities.

How to Get the Dates When You Should Set Out Yard Waste for Curbside Pickup
Go to www.cityofmadison.com/YardWaste.

Enter your address into the form.

After successfully entering your address, you will see three set-out dates.

These are the dates when you should put yard waste out for pickup.

The Correct Way to Place Yard Waste & Leaves for Pickup
Yard waste and leaves can be placed on the terrace, which is the grassy space between the sidewalk and the curb. If no terrace is available, it can be placed at the road edge or in the driveway apron.

Leaves and yard waste should be placed at minimum four feet away from obstructions like street signs, fire hydrants, electrical boxes, trees, and other objects that can interfere with collection.

Piles can be set out loose for collection. However, compostable paper leaf bags are preferred. The bags help prevent yard waste and leaves from blowing into the street.

When using bags, you should keep them open at the top so collection crews can see what is inside them.

Do not combine brush and yard waste into a single pile. Brush collection and yard waste collection are separate operations and the material is processed different. Piles of brush and yard waste mixed together will not be picked up.

Why are the dates on the website all Sunday?
This is the date you set out the yard waste for pickup so you do not miss your curbside pickup opportunity.

Your yard waste will not be picked up on the date listed on the website.

Collection crews will be through your neighborhood sometime during the work week following the set-out Sundays listed for your home.

Drop-off Sites
City of Madison residents can also bring yard waste to any of the Streets Division drop-off sites.

The drop-off sites are different for 2022.

Check the drop-off sites webpage to be sure you know the hours and locations before loading your vehicle. The drop-off sites page is www.cityofmadison.com/DropOffSites.

Additional Information and Assistance
If you are having trouble with the online form for your yard waste dates, or if you have additional questions about yard waste pickup, please contact the Streets Division office that services your home.

If you live west of South Park Street, you can call 608-266-4681.

If you live east of South Park Street, you can call 608-246-4532.

Streets Division offices are open Monday to Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm.



A tall mysterious man stuffing leaves into compostable paper leaf bags that are waiting for pickup
Here's the Streets Division collection crews hard at work. Leaves pushed from the terrace onto the metal pan where it is lifted up and dumps into the collection truck.
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