City of Madison Police Civilian Oversight Board Announces Robin Copley as Independent Police Monitor
The Police Civilian Oversight Board (PCOB) is proud to announce that it has chosen Robin Copley as the Independent Police Monitor (IM). The responsibilities of the IM include oversight of the Madison Police Department’s (MPD) compliance with internal policies and procedures.
Robin Copley graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (Pre-Law) from Fresno State and earned a law degree from Marquette University Law School. Her experience includes being a Police Open Records Legal Advisor for the City of Milwaukee Police Department, managing the Division of Medicaid Services’ responses to open records requests, and serving as a Paralegal for the City of Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission. While a student at Fresno State, Robin Copley interned at Smith Johnson, Inc., an employment discrimination firm. Additionally, while at Marquette, they interned for the State of Wisconsin Public Defender Appellate Division.
In a quote regarding this appointment, Robin Copley said, “I am so excited to get started, and about everything that this position can become and what this office can do.”
“We are honored to have the opportunity to welcome Robin Copley to serve as our Independent Monitor. We are confident that her enthusiasm to serve in this capacity combined with their extensive background – which includes experience developing processes to ensure transparency and expedite public records requests for civilian complaints of police misconduct – will provide a solid foundation from which our inaugural Office of the Independent Police Monitor will be built,” said Keetra Burnette, PCOB Chair.
Copley will begin her new position as the Independent Police Monitor on December 5, 2022, pending approval by the Common Council. Their salary is scheduled to be $122,000.