Moving Forward Capital City Path Extension to Connect Glacial Drumlin State Trail
The City of Madison has submitted an application for federal Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding to complete the final phase of the Capital City Trail. This project is critical in closing the gap between Madison and the Glacial Drumlin State Trail in Cottage Grove.
Through collaboration between the Wisconsin DNR, Wisconsin DOT, the City of Madison and Dane County, the critical corridor under Interstate 39/90 has been secured to connect the east side of the Interstate with Wagon Trail. A Public Infrastructure Permit, approved by the Wisconsin DOT, will allow construction of the path under the Interstate along the rail corridor.
“For too long Dane County residents have been waiting for this critical Madison to the Glacial Drumlin State Trail extension,” said Tom Lynch, City of Madison Transportation Director. “It has been a long process and we are grateful for the partnerships that led to this agreement on the path alignment and ability to move forward. We are excited to apply for federal funding to revive this project and close this gap.”
“This is a key connection in Wisconsin’s trail network. The DNR is excited to work with state, county, and local partners to finally bring this project to fruition,” said Brigit Brown, DNR Recreation Management Section Chief.
Dane County Parks is working closely with the City and the Wisconsin DNR to construct the path east of the Interstate. That project has been on hold waiting for a resolution to allow the City to cross the Interstate. The Village of Cottage Grove completed additional segments in 2021 to connect the Glacial Drumlin Trailhead to Vilas Road. Once completed, this route will be part of a 100+-mile bicycle and pedestrian path across the state.
The Transportation Alternatives Program provides federal funding for projects defined as transportation alternatives including the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The Wisconsin DOT manages TAP funding and the Greater Madison MPO selects projects for funding in the Madison region. If awarded funding, project construction is anticipated in 2025 or 2026.