Set-Out Dates for Brush Collection Now Available


For certain neighborhoods, the first collection will be the week of April 2, 2023

The Streets Division’s brush collection for 2023 will get underway in April. All residents will have five curbside collection opportunities this year.

When can you set out brush?
You can learn the exact dates when you should set brush out for pickup on the Streets Division’s website,

Once on the page, enter your address into the form.

Next, you will see the five Sundays for 2023 when you can set out your brush. Collection of your brush will occur during the work week following the set-out Sunday.

For certain neighborhoods, the first set-out Sunday of 2023 is April 2.

What is “brush”?
Brush is woody material that you have trimmed from your trees, shrubs, and bushes.

Brush must be at least 18 inches in length so it can be safely fed into wood chippers. And brush should be shorter than 8 feet in length.

Brush collection crews will not pick up yard waste piles.

Crews will not collect brush cut by a contractor.

How do you set out brush for collection?
Place your brush at the street edge or on the terrace. Do not let the brush dangle into the street or block the sidewalk.

Pile the material neatly with cut ends all facing the same direction.

Do not mix brush with yard waste.

Keep the material at least four feet from obstructions where possible. Obstructions like street signs, utility poles, mailboxes, trees, and parked cars interfere with collection.

Why are all the set-out dates on the website Sunday?
During the normal work week that follows the set-out Sunday, crews will be circling through all of the neighborhoods that share that particular set-out date.

By placing brush out on the date given on the website, your material will be out on time and will only sit on the terrace for one week at most.

Drop-off Site Information
The Streets Division drop-off sites will also accept brush.

Drop-off sites are different again this year.

Verify the location and hours for the site you want to use before loading your vehicle at

Additional Information
More information about Streets Division services can be found at



This is brush.  It's woody material cut from a tree.  It's stacked with cut ends facing the same direction.
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