Public Nominations for the Police Civilian Oversight Board
MADISON, [1/5/2024] — The Police Civilian Oversight Board (PCOB) is currently seeking nominations from the community to fill vacancies on the Board. The PCOB supervises and works collaboratively with the City of Madison’s Office of the Independent Police Monitor (OIM) to review and make recommendations regarding police discipline, use of force, and other policies and activities.
If you wish to nominate someone for the PCOB, please respond as soon as possible, as we are seeking to fill the Board’s vacancies in early 2024.
In considering potential nominations, the OIM and PCOB would like to highlight the following items:
- Residency Requirement: The nominees must reside within the city limits at the time of appointment. MGO 5.20(3)(b)2.
- Limited law enforcement experience: No PCOB member shall have ever been employed by the Madison Police Department (MPD) or be an immediate family member of current or former MPD employees, or worked as a law enforcement officer within the State of Wisconsin in the ten (10) years prior to being nominated. MGO 5.20(3)(a)4.
- Time Commitment: To be active on the PCOB at the most minimal level will likely require attending monthly meetings which have frequently been approximately one to two hours in length.
- Expected Attendance: The full PCOB meets monthly in the evenings at 6pm. Regular attendance is expected at these full board meetings. Further, the PCOB has multiple subcommittees serving as workgroups. If a member volunteers to be part of one of these subcommittees, regular attendance is expected at all subcommittee meetings they have volunteered for. For the year of 2024, the subcommittees will be meeting once or twice every month at 5 or 6pm. The vast majority of these meetings are held virtually over Zoom.
- Childcare Reimbursement: There is a budget for reimbursing costs of childcare to maintain the expected attendance.
- The term length for Board member is four (4) years. MGO 5.20(3)(c)1.
- Diverse composition of the PCOB: The Civilian Oversight Board shall strive to have a diverse composition in the following intersectional areas of lived experience and identities: homelessness, mental health, substance abuse and/or arrest or conviction records, racial and ethnic diversity, members of the LGBTQ+ community, affiliation with an organization in the fields of mental health, youth advocacy, and Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) treatment. In addition, the Council and Mayor will consider the following additional lived experiences and identities when making appointments: age, socioeconomic status, gender, geographic residence, and work experience. Individual members may represent more than one of the categories listed above. MGO 5.20(3)(a)2.
Below are links to the application materials:
- https://www.cityofmadison.com/sites/default/files/news/attachments/cob_application_-_2022-08-19_-_fillable.pdf
- https://www.cityofmadison.com/mayor/committees/statementofinterests/
Please submit applications by email to pcob@cityofmadison.com