Public invited to celebrate new artwork at Southwest Madison Employment Center

New artwork depicting scenes from the Civil Rights Era, by an artist known as, “The Artist”, was recently installed on the grounds of the Southwest Madison Employment Center at 1233 McKenna Blvd.

The public is invited to attend a celebration with The Artist, Alderperson Barbara McKinney, Urban League’s Dr. Ruben Anthony and Ed Lee, City staff, members of the Madison Arts Commission, and the Friends of the Madison Arts Commission on Wednesday, June 19 from 6:00pm – 7:30pm.
Brief remarks will be made at 6:15. FoMAC will provide light snacks.
Please join us to celebrate June 19, Civil Rights, Art & Artists.
Ruben Anthony, Jr., President & CEO of the Urban League of Greater Madison stated, “The Urban League is honored that The Artist has chosen to gift this powerful work of art to the Southwest Madison Employment Center. We believe it will serve as a reminder to the community of how far we have come, and how much work remains to be done in the fight for economic justice.”
Alder McKinney expressed appreciation for the artwork and the important history the work references, saying, “I am happy to have new artwork, particularly these powerful images, installed on Madison’s Southwest side.”
“It is fitting that the Artist’s series depicting scenes from the Civil Rights era was placed in proximity to the employment center,” MAC Chairperson Nick Pjevach said. “May it serve as a reminder that fair wages and safe working conditions are an essential right.”
About the Southwest Madison Employment Center
The Southwest Madison Employment Center, established in 2019, was Madison’s first neighborhood-based employment center made possible through a unique partnership between the City of Madison, the Urban League, and others. All of the Urban League’s job training, placement, and coaching services can be accessed through the Center.
About the City’s Public Art Program
Through the Public Art Program, the Madison Arts Commission (MAC) facilitates and supports the work of artists to explore new ideas, foster dialog and celebrate civic life. Residents, civic events and values are remembered and acknowledged in our public art sites. MAC is committed to strengthening the integration of public art in Madison's ongoing city-building, while also stewarding historic works and commissioning sustainably designed new works. MAC is committed to expanding our public art program to achieve a more equitable geographic distribution of art throughout the City and ensuring a diversity of artists and art forms are represented in Madison’s visual landscape.
This event is free-of-charge and open to the public. Light snacks will be served courtesy of the Friends of the Madison Arts Commission.