Construction partner awarded bid for Madison's first purpose-built men’s shelter

The City of Madison has awarded Miron Construction the bid to build what will become the first-ever purpose-built men’s shelter in Madison.
Miron submitted the low bid of $21,463,884 plus an 8% maximum construction contingency of $1,717,111, for a total of $23,180,995.
The shelter, which will be located on Bartillon Dr., is a collaboration between the City of Madison, Dane County, and Porchlight, Inc., the local non-profit chosen to be its operator. Funding for the project includes $13.5 million from City sources, including $8 million of borrowing, $10.5 million from Dane County, and $3 million of federal funds, including $2 million from a Congressional earmark secured by Congressman Mark Pocan.
The 40,000-square-foot facility will have the capacity to house 250 men experiencing homelessness in a space specifically designed to meet their needs.