Warner Park Community Recreation Center Expansion Moves Forward
The construction process for the City’s Warner Park Recreation Center Expansion project is moving forward with awarding the construction contract to Vogel Bros. Building Company, as the lowest responsible bidder.
The expansion project will include a gymnasium, public gathering space, storage and mechanical spaces, and renovations to the existing locker rooms and restrooms.

The expansion also includes a geothermal heat recovery system and solar energy system to meet City of Madison sustainability goals. Funding for the project includes $10 million from city sources, and $580,000 in Inflation Reduction Act rebates.
“WPCRC facility usage trends have significantly changed since COVID, with an increase in regular teen and young adult use stemming from Madison’s northside schools and community. This usage increase is accompanied by numerous public requests for gym space from organizations across the city, including our longstanding partners, with a desire and demand to increase services and expanded year-round programming and community events,” City of Madison Parks Division Warner Park Facility Manager Zach Watson said. “As community needs continue to grow, the WPCRC expansion will be an asset not just for the northside, but for the entire city.”
Bid details
Vogel Brothers submitted the low bid total of $9,069,900 plus an 8% maximum construction contingency of $725,592, for a total of $9,795,492.
Vogel's bid was about $1.2 million over budget, but City officials concluded that rebidding the project would only have delayed its progress and likely increased the eventual cost of construction for this important project.
Instead, the Common Council approved a budget amendment at its meeting on Aug. 6, 2024 to move the project forward.
Construction is expected to begin in September 2024 with completion anticipated by the first quarter of 2026.

Find more information about the Warner Park Community Recreation Center expansion project and get the latest updates on the City of Madison’s website for the project.