South Madison residents get first look at site plan for future Park Badger redevelopment

Madison Alder Isadore Knox speaks at the beginning of the second Park Badger redevelopment community meeting
City of Madison Alder Isadore Knox speaks at the beginning of the second community meeting for the Park Badger redevelopment on Monday, September 24, 2024.

People living in South Madison got their first look at a proposed master plan for the Park Badger redevelopment site on Monday.

In a pair of public meetings – one held virtually mid-day and one held in person on Monday evening – dozens of community members turned out to hear about the initial plans for the site that were developed after the first round of community feedback earlier this summer and share their thoughts about the site plan.

The development team has been operating under three main goals for the redevelopment project: increasing housing opportunities, using environmentally friendly and sustainable construction and operations, and having a meaningful incorporation of community-driven feedback throughout the master planning process.

“That's why we've had these meetings, that's why we have a team that's been out talking to the community, to hear feedback to help affect what this project is going to be," Community Development Authority (CDA) Executive Director Matt Wachter told community members on Monday night.

The large redevelopment project, located on the land owned by the City of Madison between Hughes Place, Park Street, and Badger Road, will be done in phases over several years. Once complete, the area will house a new Madison Fire Department station, consolidated offices for Public Health of Madison & Dane County (PHMDC), and hundreds of mixed-income homes spread throughout three buildings.

Site plan for Phase 1 of the Park Badger redevelopment project
Site plan showing Phase 1 of the Park Badger redevelopment project in relation to its surroundings.

The site master plan introduced to the community Monday shows the tallest building along the Park Street transit corridor with seven floors of housing on top of the new PHMDC location. A five-story building and two-story fire station bay would blend into the surrounding neighborhood.

Site plan for the Park Badger redevelopment project as seen from Park Street
Site plan showing how the Park Badger redevelopment would look from across Park Street.

Each of the 180 homes in the largest building along Park Street would be reserved for people making between 30% to 70% of Dane County’s Area Median Income (AMI). In terms of dollars and cents, that would mean an individual making up to $61,740 per year would be eligible for units in that building, and a family of three could make up to a combined $79,380 and still be eligible. Rent for people living in the building would be capped at 30% of their income.

The second building would include 60 homes reserved for older adults. A third building in a later phase of the redevelopment project could include approximately 120 additional homes.

Site plan for the second phase of the Park Badger redevelopment site plan
Full site plan showing a third residential building (C) with potential home ownership opportunities on the space currently occupied by the Madison Police Department's South District station. This later phase would not begin until the MPD South District moves to a new station to be built at the old Town of Madison building location on Fish Hatchery Road.

The proposed number of homes incorporates the community’s feedback during the early stages of this process while also addressing the need for more affordable housing options citywide.

Across Madison, the current vacancy rate – or, in other words, the percentage of available apartments in the city – is currently under 3%, one of the tightest rental markets in the entire country. The lack of available apartments in turn leads to a lack of affordability: recent data shows there are about 35,000 households in Madison are considered “housing cost-burdened,” meaning they spend more than 30% of their monthly income on housing. About 20,000 people are severely housing cost-burdened, meaning they pay more than half of their monthly income on housing. One person at the evening session told a member of the development team that a family member was spending 80% of their monthly income on their rent.

With the CDA as the developer for this project, the City of Madison can make sure the homes at Park Badger remain affordable – meaning staying at 30% of a family’s monthly income – for generations to come. Strong local management of the properties will also ensure people of all ages and backgrounds can feel safe at home while also fostering a sense of community.

Site plan for the Park Badger redevelopment showing the green space walkways between buildings
Overhead view of the Park Badger redevelopment site plan showcasing green spaces, rooftop amenity spaces for buildings A and B, and a large greenspace walkway with additional community amenities between buildings to connect with the surrounding neighborhood and offer pedestrians a walkway away from Park Street.

Additionally in response to early community feedback, architects from Potter Lawson designing the site plan to link the buildings together with shared paths and green spaces, including gathering spaces for community events and get-togethers.

Detailed design work on the buildings and amenities lies ahead, and as part of the evening meeting Monday night, community members shared ideas for what to include in community greenspaces and on rooftops. Generally, community members supported seating areas for people of all ages and abilities, plenty of lighting, and organized activities for youth that weren’t already available in the neighborhood. Community members also expressed a preference for rooftop gardens, natural landscaping, and play spaces.

Feedback still wanted

Those who were unable to attend Monday’s public meetings can view a recording of the virtual meeting on the City of Madison’s web site for the project. A copy of the slides shown at both meetings can also be found on the City’s web site.

Additional feedback and questions about the project can be sent directly to the development team by going to

The development team expects to hold a third community meeting yet this year as an informational session to show what they plan to submit to the City for approval. Community members can stay informed on that meeting date once it is set by signing up for the project’s newsletter at

About the Development Team

Madison’s Community Development Authority (CDA) is the developer and long-term owner for the Park Badger project and is overseeing a diverse development team highlighted by several local minority- and woman-owned businesses. After a competitive Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process earlier this year, the Madison-based Alexander Company was chosen as the project’s lead developer. Captains Inc. is also serving as a co-developer on the project, with New Year Investments serving as a consulting developer.

Potter Lawson is leading the master planning process as the lead architect on the project, while OPN Architects is designing the new fire station on the site after previously designing Madison Fire Stations 14 and 6. Saiki Design is the project’s landscape architect, while JSD is the project’s civil engineer. JCP Construction and JP Cullen are the project’s general contractors.

You can learn more about each of the companies involved on the About page at

Frequently Asked Questions

The development team has put together an extensive list of Frequently Asked Questions with answers on the development’s website. Additional questions can be sent to the development team using the “Ask Us” button at the bottom of the FAQ page.

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