1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Last Call for Your Electric Truck Name Ideas


The City of Madison recently unveiled the first two fully electric trash collection vehicles in all of Wisconsin.  Naturally, we must provide these two trucks with names.

The opportunity to submit names closes at 4:00pm on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Your time to submit names is running out.

Submit your name ideas to dropoff@cityofmadison.com so they can be considered.

We’ve received over 600 name suggestions so far.  They have been great!  It will be difficult to narrow these suggestions down to a last group of finalists for the election that will be hosted by Wisconsin Clean Cities.

Further details can be found on the Streets Division’s website.

Need a Bolt of Inspiration?

When you are thinking of names to submit, think of what you like and try to build from there.   

It could be sports, music, movies, video games, mythology, professional wrestling, science, nature, anime, poetry, or whatever else may spark joy, and you can forge a unique, lighthearted, and maybe pun-filled name from something within those interests.

Please keep the suggestions family friendly. Crude or rude ones will not be considered.

Remember, our official bird is the plastic pink flamingo.  That’s the fun, playful Madisonian-spirit we’re trying to channel.

What kind of suggestions have we received so far?

Many submissions taking inspiration from the phrase “Electric Boogaloo.” It appears Madison is home to many fans of the Breakin cinematic universe.

We've received many clever thunder, lightning, and electricity-themed references.

Many children who attended the Trucks and Treasures event on September 21 got to see the trucks firsthand, and they submitted fun names inspired by cartoons and dinosaurs.

And, of course, there’s been several variations on the Trashy McTrashface theme.

The one suggestion we might not have had yet is yours. 

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