RaISE Program Guarantees Job Interviews for Participants
All companies who contract with the City of Madison (and are non-exempt) are required to submit job postings to Department of Civil Rights (DCR) before advertising anywhere else if the job is located within Dane County. They must also guarantee an interview to candidates referred by DCR. Candidates only need to meet the minimum qualifications to get the interview.
“We work with community partners to help companies fill positions, providing a collaboration that helps the hiring companies and the job seekers alike,” said Jesus Sanchez, Contract Compliance Specialist with the DCR. "The RaiSE program is not only helping job seekers but also companies that are looking for qualified workers."
Jesus currently manages the RaISE program and is excited about the impact of the program on the community. He has been working to bring in solid community partners who can help the program grow.
Current community partners include: Employability, Urban League, Catholic Multicultural Center, African Center, and the Department of Workforce Development. More organizations are going through the process of becoming partners. The goal is representation in different geographic areas and being able to serve communities in different languages. The community-based organizations provide these tools, and they also have a deep understanding of community needs.
“Their collaboration is key to the success of this program,” Jesus said.
Working with the Department of Workforce Development in particular has the potential to support program involvement from community-based organizations. DWD has opened the door to new connections, increasing the reach of this program statewide, serving different communities, ages, and constituencies. “For some candidates, this is a game changer,” according to Norm Davis, Director of the Department of Civil Rights. They may have sent dozens of applications out, but getting that opportunity to meet face to face in an interview is essential.