Abundant Life Christian School Shooting: Facts and Questions Page
The Madison Police Department is committed to transparency and will continue to release information that can be used to improve public safety. This must be balanced, however, with our commitment to the victims and survivors of the shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison.
Two people died and six others were injured during this shooting. Additionally, evidence suggests the shooter died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
This incident has now entered the investigation phase, and the information we can release is limited. This phase takes time. We recognize people have questions, and we will answer them in due time. Until then we ask you keep the victims and survivors in mind and respect their right to privacy.
The Madison Police Department is dealing with a flux of ever-changing information. We thank journalists for recognizing this and working with our department to get accurate information out to our community.
We have put together a list of some questions we’ve been repeatedly asked regarding our criminal investigation. Here is what we can share.