Early Ridership Numbers

Bus alongside Bus Rapid Transit Station

Metro Transit is excited to share some preliminary ridership data.  The Rapid A Route is up nearly 20 percent over ridership numbers in November and December 2023. Overall, ridership is up systemwide by 10 percent in that same timeframe.

With the changes to Metro’s fare collection system and fleet technology system over the second half of 2024, some of the old fare box technology did not count accurately in its final months. In 2025 the way in which we count ridership has changed. Our new system, relying on Automatic Passenger Counters (APC), is required to go through a certification process before the ridership numbers are “official” — which will be complete in mid-2025. However, we do have a high level of confidence in the new data. 

Once fully certified, Metro will no longer use data from the old farebox system, which continues to degrade and is being phased out. The APC data shows that ridership is up considerably.  As Metro gets more information in the coming months, we will post it periodically. 

  • 259,343 Rapid Route A Ridership in November & December 2023
  • 307,291 Rapid Route A Ridership in November & December 2024*

    *Unofficial APC Data, pending certification 

  • 18% Rapid Route A Ridership Increase from November & December 2023
  • 1.5 M Systemwide Ridership in November & December 2022

    Exact ridership figure: 1,503,421 

  • 1.69 M Systemwide Ridership in November & December 2023

    Exact ridership figure: 1,693,349

  • 1.86 M Systemwide Ridership in November & December 2024*

    Exact ridership figure: 1,857,998

    *Unofficial APC Data, pending certification 


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