Madison Arts Commission Seeks Artist for Landscape Mural at New Public Market

A rendering showing the proposed exterior of the Madison Public Market
Image credit: Madison Public Market Foundation

The City of Madison and the Madison Arts Commission are looking for an artist to design a vibrant native landscape mural for the highly-anticipated Madison Public Market, which is scheduled to open later this year.

The large-scale exterior mural, measuring approximately 12 feet high by 52 feet wide, will be prominently featured on the market's façade at 202 N First Street. With a budget of $25,000, this opportunity invites professional artists and artist teams to create a piece of art that celebrates the botanical heritage of south-central Wisconsin.

This mural represents an important opportunity to honor the ecological and cultural significance of the market site through public art. We're looking for artists who can showcase our region's native plant diversity while creating a visual anchor for this exciting new community space.

Nick Pjevach, Madison Arts Commission Chair

The selected artist will be tasked with designing a mural that highlights knowledge of marsh and/or prairie plants native to our area of Wisconsin. The selected artist(s) will demonstrate their knowledge of Wisconsin’s native plants or their ability to consult experts in the field to ensure botanical and cultural accuracy of the mural.

Applications responding to the request for qualifications are due by noon on April 4, 2025. The selection process will be conducted by the Madison Arts Commission. The selected artist will be notified by April 11, 2025, with their final design due by May 9, 2025. Mural production is currently scheduled for June 2025.

The Madison Public Market, a 45,000-square-foot facility being developed in the former City Fleet Building, will house more than 30 permanent vendors and 100 temporary vendors across 3.5 acres. The market will be operated by the Madison Public Market Foundation, a non-profit organization.

This mural project is funded by a generous grant from the Hoke Family Foundation to the Friends of Madison Arts Commission.

Professional artists or artist teams with experience creating outdoor works suitable for Wisconsin's climate are encouraged to apply.

Apply Here

About the Madison Public Market

The Madison Public Market will be a year-round, inclusive gathering place that celebrates our diverse community with fresh produce, culturally diverse prepared food, handmade goods, and cultural events. The Market aims to provide entrepreneur opportunities, fresh, healthy food options, and a public gathering space.

About the Madison Arts Commission

The Madison Arts Commission is a municipal commission that fosters arts appreciation and participation within the community of Madison. The Commission provides grants to local artists and arts organizations, manages the City's public art program, and advises the Common Council on arts-related matters. To receive the latest news from Madison Arts, you can sign up for e-mail updates on the City’s e-mail lists page by entering your e-mail address and checking the box next to “Madison Arts Updates” under the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development (DPCED) section.

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