How to Get Your Brush Collected in 2025


Brush collection for 2025 will start soon.

Here’s what you need to do so Streets Division crews can collect the brush you made by trimming your trees, shrubs, or bushes:

  1. Learn the Set-Out Dates for Your Neighborhood

    Go to our brush collection website and enter your address into the form to see the dates when you should put out brush for pickup.

    The website is

    Set out dates are different depending on where you live.

    Every neighborhood has five collection chances.

    After you enter your address on our website, you will see all five dates when you should put brush out for pickup.

  2. Follow the Brush Collection Rules

    Think of brush as branches and sticks.  It’s the woody material you cut from trees, shrubs, and bushes. We take your brush and make wood mulch out of it.

    Brush must measure between 18 inches and 8 feet so crews can collect it safely.

    Pile brush on the terrace, or the grass at the edge of the street. Stack brush with the cut ends facing the same direction.

    Keep brush at least 4 feet away from trees, cars, utility poles, mailboxes, fire hydrants, and other obstructions.

    Do not put brush in the street or on the sidewalk.

    Do not mix brush and yard waste together.  Brush mixed with weeds, grass clippings, and other yard waste will not be picked up.

    Do not put brush in bags, boxes, or other containers.

  3. Wait for Your Pickup

    The dates on the website are when you put out your brush.

    These are not the dates when crews will be at your home to pick it up.

    Collection crews come by during the work week following your set out date.

    If you put your brush out after the set the out date for your home, you may miss your collection chance for this round.

Drop-off Sites Available

Streets Division drop-off sites also accept brush.

Drop-off sites will remain on the limited winter availability until April 12, 2025.

Make sure you know the hours, locations, and rules before loading your vehicle.

Drop-off site information can be found at  

Additional Information

More information about all of the Streets Division services can be found at


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