Senior Exercise: Is it ever too late?
If you are over the age of 60 you may be thinking that your days of being active are quickly dwindling down, that there is no longer any benefit to being active, or that you are experiencing pain already, so why would you add to that?
Physical activity is important during all periods of the lifespan. However, some may argue that the older one gets, the more important physical activity is. There are numerous benefits of being active including reduced risk for: cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, certain cancers, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and chance of falls. In addition, being active increases muscle and bone strength, mental health and mood, ability to perform Activities of Daily Living, sleep quality and quantity, and chances for living longer.
Being active can lead to improvements in some medical conditions including dementia (including Alzheimer’s), heart disease, diabetes, constipation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and inability to sleep.
Looking for a way to start being active? Check out the Physical Activity for Lifelong Success (PALS) program! PALS is an evidence-based program developed by Dr. Kimberlee Gretebeck that is specifically designed for older adults (60+) who are active less than 60 minutes per week to help them become and stay physically active.
The next 10-week PALS session will start on March 9 at the Madison Senior Center. The class meets Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30am for one hour with an additional 45 minutes on Tuesday after class. This is being offered to seniors at free of charge thanks to a grant from the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, but registration is required. Please call 608-266-6581 to register.