Information for New Well Owners
Some properties in the City of Madison or served by Madison Water Utility have a private well. All wells, regardless of how they are used or maintained, must be permitted through the water utility.
Common Council recently adopted a water service connection requirement. Residential buildings must be connected to municipal water. Buildings currently served by a private well are required to connect to the city water system within 90 days of the sale or transfer of the property.
Well operation permits are not transferable and they become void with the transfer of property. The well either must be permitted by the new owner or abandoned prior to the sale of the property. The current property owner should contact the Water Quality section at (608) 266-4654 at least 14 days prior to the transfer of the property.
If the well is not abandoned, the required permitting paperwork should be submitted by the new property owner prior to the transfer of the property. Additional information regarding permitting and abandonment can be found in the Private Well section or by contacting the utility at (608) 266-4654.
If an unused, un-abandoned well is discovered on a property, the well must be properly abandoned according to the requirements of NR 812. Refer to the Well Abandonment section or contact the utility at (608) 266-4654 for more information.