1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

  1. Building Inspection Counter Appointments

    Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.

General Alterations, including Bathrooms, Kitchens & Basements

Before you start work on your alteration, follow these steps.

Process Overview

  1. Determine Zoning

    First, talk to Zoning staff. Your property may have zoning restrictions on your parcel. Zoning staff will tell you if any conditions affect your project. If so, our staff will give you information about next steps.

    Find out the zoning for your property.

    Who to Contact

    Zoning at Building Inspection: (608) 266-4551, ext. 3.

  2. Draw a Plan

    What to Include

    • Draw plans to a common architectural scale, not less than 1/8 inch =1 foot. If you're not sure how to draw to scale, you can watch this video. Common scales: (1/4” = 1’ , 3/16” = 1’ , 1/8” = 1’ , 1/2” = 1’ , 3/8” = 1’)
    • Make sure that when you print the plans, they keep their scale. Printer settings such as "fit to page," for example, will skew the sizing. You can print and then measure length and width to verify your scale is in place
    • Plans should clearly show what is existing and what is proposed or new
    • Show structural info, i.e. beams, headers, post joists, etc.
    • Reference the code for more information
    • For lakefront properties, a survey prepared by a registered land surveyor is required. The survey must show existing setbacks to the Ordinary High Water Mark of buildings on adjacent lots.
  3. Submit Building Plans

    Where to Go

    Building Inspection Permit Counter by appointment only
    Madison Municipal Building
    215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Suite 017
    Madison, WI 53703

    Note: If your project cannot conform to building code, follow the variance procedure. See the Petition for Variance Application for more information. Please contact Building Inspection at (608) 266-4551 with any questions.

  4. Pay Fees

    You will need to pay for any plan review costs, building permits or other fees that may apply to your project.

    Where to Go

    Building Inspection Permit Counter by appointment only
    Madison Municipal Building
    215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Suite 017
    Madison, WI 53703

    Once the plans have been reviewed and approved, the permit can be issued. If the plans have not been approved, new plans need to be submitted correcting the items listed in the withholding letter. Minor projects can be approved at the counter. For more complex projects, the initial plan review will take 10 – 15 working days.

  5. Get Permits

    When your plans are approved and your fees have been paid, the Building Inspection will issue the required permits for your project.

  6. Schedule Inspections

    Once the work permitted is completed, but before covering up or building over any permitted work, you will need to call and request an inspection. Inspections are required to ensure that all work was completed correctly. View required inspections.

    Call for an inspection request: (608) 266-4551.

  7. Completion

    After your final inspection, your project will be considered complete.

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