1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

  1. Building Inspection Counter Appointments

    Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.

Site Plan Review Status Information

Site Plan Review

To view Site Plan Review project status, please visit Site Plan Review Tracking Information.

The projects are sorted by project address with a link to a detailed individual report for each project. The project status reports are updated as reviewers comment on the plans.

A project can have a review status of Additional Information Required, Reject/ Redraft, Note, or Approved:

  • Additional Information Required/ Supplement Required - One or more reviewers have indicated a need for supplementary materials. The project can be approved without a revised submission, but supplementary materials are required. See the project detail view for instructions on satisfying the specific agency requirements.  It is the responsibility of the project contact person to respond to these requirements.
  • Reject/ Redraft - One or more reviews indicate that the application must be resubmitted with revised plans. All the reviewing agencies will need to review the revised plans before a resubmittal will be accepted. Resubmit the same number of complete plan sets as originally submitted to the Zoning counter or via email.
  • Note - These are comments or additional information that are relevant to an agency review, which a reviewer wants put in the record or to bring to the attention of the applicant. No action is required.
  • Approved - The plans have been approved by reviewing agencies. When all agencies have an "approved" status, Site Plan Review is complete and permits may be issued or work that does not require permits may commence. A digital copy of the approved plan set will be emailed to the project contact person, and placed in the City property archives.  Hard-copy plans must be picked up from the Zoning counter within 6 months of approval.
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