Contractor Permits
Please make your requests for Contractor Permits and Hangtags by postal mail, phone or email.
Schedule an in-person appointment.
Contractor Hangtag Parking Permits
Contractor hangtag parking permits are available to meet the needs of contractors and repair persons working in areas where parking is controlled by parking meters.
- Offer more flexibility than meter signs.
- Can be purchased in advance.
- Can be used at multiple locations.
- Full-day permits cost $18.00
- Half-day permits cost $10.00
- Purchase by mail, phone or email parking@cityofmadison.com
- For use at an open parking space. Parking space is not guaranteed.
- Time-specific parking prohibitions are still enforced. Peak hour lanes and street sweeping zones, for example, must be vacated during times when parking is prohibited.
- Vehicles may not idle in excess of 5 minutes -- MGO (12.1291 & 28.141)
- Call (608) 266-4761 for more information.
- All rates subject to change.
Contractor Parking Permits
Contractor parking permits are available to meet the needs of contractors, repair persons, and moving companies working in areas where parking is non-metered, but restricted to a duration of one or two-hours.
- Allow parking beyond the one or two-hour restriction.
- Can be purchased in advance.
- $5.00 per vehicle per day.
- Purchase by mail, phone or email parking@cityofmadison.com
- For use at an open parking space. Parking space is not guaranteed.
- Time-specific parking prohibitions are still enforced. Peak hour lanes and street sweeping zones, for example, must be vacated during times when parking is prohibited.
- Vehicles may not idle in excess of 5 minutes -- MGO (12.1291 & 28.141)
- Call (608) 266-4761 for more information.
- All rates subject to change.