- English
- Español
Riding Information
Bus Stops
Board the bus at any designated stop along your route. Bus stop signs show which routes serve each stop. They also have a 4-digit I.D. number. This I.D. can be used to look up estimated bus departure times online when a schedule is not available at the stop. Also use this I.D. to verify your location when contacting Metro’s Customer Service Center.
- Arrive 5 minutes before your bus is scheduled to be at the stop.
- Wave to the driver so they are aware you’d like to board.
- Please move to the back of the bus to allow others to easily board.
Destination Signs
- A bus’s route number and destination are displayed on a sign above the windshield.
- Watch for vias showing alternative route patterns.
Exiting the Bus
- To signal that you’d like to get off the bus, use touch strip or pull yellow cord at least one block in advance.
- Remain seated until bus comes to a complete stop.
- Exit through the rear door. Wait on the sidewalk until bus has pulled away before entering the street.