1. Building Inspection Counter Appointments

    Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.


Demolitions of principal structures are required to receive certain approvals. Principal structures include most single-family residences, multi-family buildings, and commercial structures. 

Accessory structures like residential garages and sheds may be approved without a Landmarks Commission historic value review, unless they are located in a local historic district.

You also need approval to remove or move a principal building from its current property. For more information, please see Madison General Ordinance 28.185(link is external).

Process Overview

  1. Discuss with City Historic Preservation & Zoning Staff

    Applicants for any project must first meet with Historic Preservation and Zoning staff before submitting their application. Please contact staff at LandmarksCommission@cityofmadison.com to schedule an appointment to discuss your proposed demolition and project. These meetings are typically done virtually, via videoconference.

    Find out the zoning for your property.

  2. Notify Alder, Neighborhood Association, and Interested Parties

    Prior to submitting an application, the applicant or their agent is required to notify:

    1. The alderperson (click here for a map of alder districts);
    2. Any City-registered neighborhood association(s);
    3. Any City-listed business association(s); and
    4. The demolition listserv.

    The notice must clearly state:

    • that the applicant is “intending to file an application for a demolition approval" (and conditional use, zoning map amendment, etc., if applicable);
    • the project address; and
    • the date the applicant intends to submit for Landmarks Review. For a list of submittal dates, please refer to the Landmarks Commission Submittal Schedule(opens in a new window).

    If these details are not included, an application will not be accepted. Notices may also include other information such as contact information, timelines, or descriptions of the proposal.

  3. Submit Application Form and Documents

    Where to Go

    Online - Staff are currently only accepting digital (PDF) submittals - not paper.

    What to Include

    PDF Copies of the following, emailed to Building Inspection at sprapplications@cityofmadison.com and to Landmarks Commission at LandmarksCommission@cityofmadison.com:

    • A completed Demolition Application Form(opens in a new window)
    • Property Owner Permission (signature on the form or an email providing authorization to apply)
    • Copy of Notification sent to the Demolition Listserv
    • Copies of the notification to the district alderperson, and the neighborhood association(s) and business association(s), if applicable. If a waiver from or reduction of the 30 days has been granted by the alder, please also include a copy of the correspondence.
    • The $600 Demolition Application Fee (see below for more information on how to submit the fee)
    • Letter of Intent describing the proposed structure to be demolished, description of proposed method and timeline of demolition
    • Construction Information (Dates of construction and alterations, architect name, builder name, history of property, historic photos)
    • Existing Condition Photos (Interior and exterior digital photos of each principal building to be demolished sufficient to indicate its character and condition)
    • If the existing building will be relocated, include a preliminary assessment that relocation is likely to be structurally and legally feasible.
    • Optional: Proposed mitigation plans for properties with possible historic value

    Please note that an individual email cannot exceed 20 MB. It is the responsibility of the applicant to present files in a manner that can be accepted. If dividing the submittal materials into multiple, smaller components (in order to meet the email size limit), please clearly indicate the total number of email components in the subject line (e.g.: “Land Use Application for 123 Elm Street - email 1 of 4”, “…2 of 4”, etc.) and label the email attachments accordingly (e.g.: “Site Plan 1 of 3”, “…2 of 3”, etc.). Please email zoning@cityofmadison.com regarding questions on this submittal or alternative filing options.

    Application Payment Options

    • The application fee can be mailed in, dropped in the drop box at the Madison Municipal Building, or you can make an appointment at the Zoning counter to pay the fee. Checks should be made out to “City Treasurer.” If you mail in the check or use the drop box, please include a cover page which includes the project address, brief description of the project, and contact information. Zoning staff typically suggest using the drop box or making an appointment with the Zoning counter to pay the fee as they are the quickest options.
      • Mailing Address: City of Madison Building Inspection. P.O. Box 2984. Madison, WI 53701-2984
      • Drop Box Location: Madison Municipal Building, Doty Street Entrance. 215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Madison, WI 53701-2984
      • Schedule a Zoning Counter Appointment online. 
  4. Historic Value Determination by Landmarks Commission

    After an application is received, the Landmarks Commission will review the demolition request and make a historic value determination.

    If the Landmarks Commission determines that the building does not have historic value, the demolition can be reviewed and approved administratively by City agencies.

    If the Landmarks Commission determines that the building has historic value, the demolition must be reviewed and approved by the Plan Commission, as well as by City agencies.

  5. If Historic Value, Plan Commission Hearing

    • When Landmarks Commission finds a building has Historic Value, the demolition application must be considered by the Plan Commission.
    • If Plan Commission review is required, staff will schedule the public hearing based on the published schedule(opens in a new window).
    • Applicant must make an appointment to pick up “Public Hearing” sign from Zoning Counter and post the sign on property at least 21 days before Plan Commission hearing.
    • Property owners and occupants within 200 feet of the boundaries of the property will be notified of the application and the hearing date. The request is also advertised in the City’s official newspaper and a sign is provided for the applicant to post on the property.
    • The applicant will be informed of the time and place of the public hearing in a letter sent by the Zoning Administrator.

    If the applicant’s application to demolish the structure is approved by the Plan Commission, the Planning Division will send the applicant or their agent a letter outlining any conditions of approval.

  6. Administrative Approvals

    Required Administrative Approvals for All Demolitions

    The following approvals are required prior to the issuance of a permit for demolition, regardless of whether the demolition is approved only administratively or also by the Plan Commission.

    Demolition Plan

    A site plan or survey of the property submitted to sprapplications@cityofmadison.com showing the existing conditions and noting what will be demolished (principal building such as a house or commercial building, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, paved areas, accessory buildings such as garage or sheds etc.)

    Reuse and Recycling Plan

    A Reuse and Recycling Plan submitted to streets@cityofmadison.com with the following information:

    • Location of the project
    • Contact information for the project
    • Information on the scope of the project, the stated recycling goals to meet the city's requirement that all demolition projects recycle or reuse at least 70% of all demolition debris (as stated in MGO 10.185).
    • List of material anticipated to be generated from the demolition.
    • Explanation about how the Reuse and Recycling plan you are submitting will be fulfilled at the work site.

    For more information, email streets@cityofmadison.com.

    Approval from City Forestry

    Urban Forestry requires applicants to submit a Street Tree Report from a certified arborist as part of a demolition application submission.  The report is evaluated for street tree protection during construction activities, proposed tree removals, deposits for developers' agreements as part of the approval process.

    For more information, email forestry@cityofmadison.com

    Sewer Plug Permit

    A Sewer Plug Permit is required for a temporary or permanent plug of the sanitary sewer lateral.

    For more information, email engineering@cityofmadison.com.

    Additional Required Approvals Depending on Project Details

    The following approvals may be required prior to the issuance of a permit for demolition, regardless of whether the demolition is approved administratively or by the Plan Commission.

    Erosion Control Permit

    An Erosion Control Permit(opens in a new window) is needed on any construction project that triggers one or more of the following:

    •  Disturbing > 4,000 square feet of earth.
    • Filling or excavating > 400 cubic yards of material.
    • Laying/Repairing/Replacing > 300 linear feet of underground pipe.
    • Disturbing > 100 linear feet of road side ditch or drainage channel.
    • Constructing a new public or private road or access drive longer than 125 ft.
    • Adjacent an environmentally sensitive area.

    For more information, email ecpermits@cityofmadison.com

    Street Occupancy Permit

    Street Occupancy Permit is needed when your project requires materials or machinery to be on or over:

    •  Streets
    • Terrace (area between the street-side edge of sidewalk and back of curb)
    • Sidewalks
    • Alleys
    • Public grounds

    For more information, email sop@cityofmadison.com.

    Street Terrace Permit

    A Street Terrace Permit is needed when a driveway and curb cut is proposed to be removed or any other work is occurring in the public right-of-way.

    For more information, email engineering@cityofmadison.com.

  7. Obtain Building Permit

    After administrative approvals have been granted and Plan Commission conditions (if applicable) have been satisfied, the applicant may make an appointment with the Zoning Counter to submit a demolition building permit application(opens in a new window) and obtain a permit.

    Remember to call the utility companies to disconnect service before demolition starts.

    The building permit to demolish is valid for 6 months; once the demolition begins, the permit expires in 30 days. 

    Only a final inspection is required. Call (608) 266-4551 when the demolition is complete to schedule the inspection. City inspectors will visit the site to ensure that the work complies with City and State Building Ordinances.

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