Building Inspection Counter Appointments
Building Inspection plan review and zoning review counters will be open to the public by appointment only.
Subdividing Land
In Wisconsin, parcels of land are commonly created by the approval and recording of either a final plat or a certified survey map (CSM). Prior to the approval of all final plats and prior to the approval of some CSMs, a preliminary plat is required to be approved that shows the generalized concept for how a subdivision will be laid out (street layouts, lot configurations, open spaces, etc.). In considering approval of a plat or CSM, the City must consider all the impacts the proposed subdivision will have on furthering the objectives of adopted City plans and the impacts the proposed subdivision will have on the City’s ability to provide municipal services. In most cases, the subdivision of land by final plat or CSM requires that the subject property be served with a full range of urban services, including public sanitary sewer and water. For more information on the subdivision process in the City of Madison, please see MGO Sec. 16.23.
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
The City of Madison may also review subdivision requests within its extraterritorial plat approval jurisdiction. Madison can review extraterritorial subdivisions up to three miles from its municipal limits. However, the City has adopted an extraterritorial plat approval jurisdiction map. The map includes specific areas within three miles of the City limits.
To know if your property is within the City’s approval jurisdiction, please contact the Planning Division. You can email Planning at Planning@cityofmadison.com or (608) 266-4635. Please allow up to three (3) business days for a response.