1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.


The City of Madison Engineering Division Public Information Officer leads division communications, media relations, public relations, digital information sharing and more. 

Your Engineering Division Public Information Officer is Hannah Mohelnitzky,  hmohelnitzky@cityofmadison.com, 608-669-3560. 
Learn more about Hannah's background and skills.

Email the Engineering PIO for the following requests and/or questions about the following topics: 

The Engineering PIO works across the City with a number of agencies to serve the Engineering Division efficiently. The following items include other guidelines and services available to all City staff involving communications at the City of Madison:

City of Madison Engineering Facebook Page
City of Madison Engineering Twitter Page
City of Madison Engineering website
City of Madison Engineering Podcast “Everyday Engineering 
City of Madison Flickr 

Printing Services
Dane County Printing & Services handles printing and copying of business cards, letterheads, envelopes, legal documents, forms, reports and newsletters, is responsible for delivery of inter-department mail and other postal functions for both the City of Madison and Dane County, and runs a vehicle pool for county departments.

Doc Services 
Main contact: Julie Kaufmann, docservices@cityofmadison.com
Primary liaison between user agencies and Document Services staff. Document Services is a confidential internal resource to provide all agencies access to producing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, advertising materials, alternative formats, scanning text or pictures, website maintenance, and software support.

Public Information Officer Lists
The City's PIOs have extensive knowledge of the issues, goals, policies and programs of their assigned agencies. They work hard to achieve transparent, accurate and timely responses to media inquiries and effectively deliver messages and information to residents, businesses, boards and commissions, the Common Council, and the Mayor through a variety of outlets.

Style Guide: Presentations
Style Guide: Logo Use
Style Guide: Map Standards
Plain Language Guide
Style Guide: Brand Colors
City Photo Library
Marketing Policies, APMs

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