Two MFD Community Paramedics Named 'First Responders of the Year'
postedMadison Fire Department Community Paramedics Mindy Dessert and Raena Glauvitz were named First Responders Of the Year during a ceremony held at the Wisconsin State Capitol this week.
Each year around National First Responders Day (October 28), state representatives from each Assembly district nominate a first responder from their area to award this honor. Representative Francesca Hong selected Melinda Dessert to be recognized in District 76, and Raena Glauvitz was selected by District 77 representative Shelia Stubbs.
Dessert and Glauvitz are founding members of the Madison Fire Department’s Community Paramedicine Program which launched in 2016. They work directly with at-risk individuals to provide support, education, and empowerment so they can improve their overall health and reduce reliance on the 911 system and emergency rooms.
We’re thrilled that our state representatives recognize the impact and importance of this work!
Congratulations, Paramedics Dessert and Glauvitz!
This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Fire Department.