Park Street Joint Repair
Project Details
Project Information
Latest Update
This project is complete.Project Description
The project will consist of removing and replacing bad concrete joints with new concrete. The contractor will saw cut the concrete full depth, 2.5’ on each side of the bad joint, remove the asphalt and concrete and install new concrete. There will also be full concrete slab replacement as needed, spot curb and gutter repair and installation of new crosswalk and bus pads at the Beld Street intersection. In general, one northbound (NB) lane of South Park Street will be paved at a time to maintain as much traffic flow as possible. Parking may be removed and the east curb lane may be used as a travel lane during peak hours.
Project Limits
The project limits for the work are 2 separate section of concrete repairs on inbound lanes only. The south section is S. Park Street from W. Badger Rd. to the Railroad Crossing and the North section is S. Park St. from 100 feet south of W. Olin Ave to W. Washington Ave
Project Schedule
Tentative Start date is June 10th with completion date of the north section by August 10th and completion of the south section by October 15th.