1. Engineering Downtown Offices Closed to Public, Dec. 26 & 27, 2024.

    Offices will be closed, however, City of Madison Engineering Division staff will be available by phone: 608-266-4751 and email: engineering@cityofmadison.com.

Autumn Ridge Path

December 12, 2024 Update

The Contractor has substantially completed work on the Autumn Ridge Path project. The new path, including the new bridge overpass over Highway 30, is open and ready for use. The Contractor may still be on-site in the coming weeks for final completion tasks, please take caution if there is construction equipment along the path or surrounding areas. The Contractor will also return in the Spring of 2025 for concrete staining work that could not be completed this year due to weather.

The City is hosting a public ribbon-cutting event for this project on Tuesday, 12/17/2024, at 8:30am. See link below for more info.


View past project updates »

Project Details

  • Location

    • 4302 Milwaukee Street
      Madison, WI 53714
  • Project Type

  • Status

  • Alder District

    District 3
    District 15

Project Information

Project Overview

The City has been awarded Federal funds to assist with construction of the Autumn Ridge Path, which is a proposed multi-use path that will connect users between Milwaukee Street and Commercial Avenue north of Highway 30. The proposed path will also include a new bridge overpass of Highway 30. This project will improve safety and access for users to cross Hwy 30 to connect the neighborhoods and destinations on either side, and this project will also provide an immediate connection in the bike network as it ties the existing overpass of Stoughton Rd. (Hwy 51) at Portland Pkwy with the existing path in Sycamore Park. Long term, this project will be part of a network of facilities that connects to downtown with northeasterly limits of the City.

Based on preliminary design work, public outreach, and discussions with different agencies and committees, the preferred route for this path is through Heistand Park, through the public drainage greenway to the east and using the existing sidewalk connection to Stein Ave. (sidewalk would be widened with project). A new path would then be constructed off of Stein parallel to Thompson and along Hwy 30 to the new bridge over Hwy 30, connecting to Ziegler Rd. on the north side of Hwy 30 & Commercial Ave.

Overview Map
Network Connections Map

New Bridge:

new bridge autumn ridge

Project Limits 

Milwaukee St. to Ziegler Rd., including a new bridge over STH 30.

Project Schedule

First Public Information Meeting: Nov. 7, 2019

Second Public Information Meeting: Winter 2023

Complete Preliminary Design: Winter 2023

Final Design: Spring/Summer 2023

Construction: Spring 2024

Public Involvement 

There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates and times are indicated below and will be updated as a more definite schedule is known.

Public Information Meetings

March 2, 2023 Public Information Meeting Recording

March 2, 2023 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation 
March 2, 2023 Public Information Meeting Presented Plan 

If you need an interpreter, translator, materials in alternate formats or other accommodations to access this service, activity or program, please call Aaron Canton, acanton@cityofmadison.com, 608-242-4763.

Si necesita un intérprete, un traductor, materiales en formatos alternativos u otros arreglos para acceder a este servicio, actividad o programa, comuníquese inmediatamente al número de teléfono que figura a continuación.

Yog tias koj xav tau ib tug neeg txhais lus, ib tug neeg txhais ntawv, cov ntaub ntawv ua lwm yam los sis lwm cov kev pab kom siv tau qhov kev pab, kev ua num los sis kev pab cuam no, thov hu rau tus xov tooj hauv qab no tam sim no.

A public information meeting was held 6 p.m., Nov. 7, 2019, LMC of Kennedy Elementary School, 221 Meadowlark Dr, Madison, WI 53714: Nov. 7, 2019 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation

City Meetings, Process 

Board of Public Works: More information will be posted when available. 
Common Council: More information will be posted when available. 

Project Updates

December 12, 2024 Update

The Contractor has substantially completed work on the Autumn Ridge Path project. The new path, including the new bridge overpass over Highway 30, is open and ready for use. The Contractor may still be on-site in the coming weeks for final completion tasks, please take caution if there is construction equipment along the path or surrounding areas. The Contractor will also return in the Spring of 2025 for concrete staining work that could not be completed this year due to weather.

The City is hosting a public ribbon-cutting event for this project on Tuesday, 12/17/2024, at 8:30am. See link below for more info.


November 8, 2024 Update

The Contractor, Zenith Tech, is in the final stages of the Autumn Ridge Path project. The bulk of the bridge overpass is complete, including setting of the street truss sections over Highway 30 and Commercial Ave. The Contractor anticipates completing the entire project by early-December 2024, after which the path (including the new bridge) will be open for use. 

new bridge autumn ridge
May 20, 2024 Update

The Autumn Ridge Path Contractor, Zenith Tech, plans to begin the bulk of the path construction in early-June. Lane closures are anticipated on Highway 30 and adjacent streets, but at least one-lane of travel will be maintained in all directions for a majority of the project, except for two anticipated overnight (12am-5am), full closures of Highway 30 during final bridge installation, at which time a detour route will be marked and signed.  Due to the delays on certain pre-fabricated bridge elements, the bridge over Highway 30 will not be completed (and usable) until January 2025. The Contractor’s Project Manager is Quinntin Jones, he can be reached at (262) 666-3747 or qjones@walbecgroup.com

March 18, 2024 Update

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation in coordination with the City of Madison is planning to begin construction on the Autumn Ridge Path Project. The project will start the week of March 18, 2024 with the tree removals and general clearing being the first phase of construction. The bulk of the project, including the new bridge over Highway 30 will begin construction in June 2024. The project should be complete by the end-of-November 2024. The contract for this work has been awarded to Zenith Tech. The Contractor’s Project Manager is Quinntin Jones, he can be reached at (262) 666-3747 or qjones@walbecgroup.com. 

March 11, 2024 Update

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation in coordination with City of Madison is planning to begin construction on the Autumn Ridge Path Project. The project will start the week of March 18, 2024 with the tree removals and general clearing being the first phase of construction. The majority of the project will be completed in 2024, however, bridge construction for the new bridge over Highway 30 will likely be complete in Spring 2025. The contract for this work has been awarded to Zenith Tech. The Contractor’s Project Manager is Quinntin Jones, he can be reached at (262) 666-3747 or qjones@walbecgroup.com. 

March 7, 2023 Update

March 2, 2023 Public Information Meeting Recording
March 2, 2023 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation 
March 2, 2023 Public Information Meeting Presented Plan 

If you need an interpreter, translator, materials in alternate formats or other accommodations to access this service, activity or program, please call Aaron Canton, acanton@cityofmadison.com, 608-242-4763.

Si necesita un intérprete, un traductor, materiales en formatos alternativos u otros arreglos para acceder a este servicio, actividad o programa, comuníquese inmediatamente al número de teléfono que figura a continuación.

Yog tias koj xav tau ib tug neeg txhais lus, ib tug neeg txhais ntawv, cov ntaub ntawv ua lwm yam los sis lwm cov kev pab kom siv tau qhov kev pab, kev ua num los sis kev pab cuam no, thov hu rau tus xov tooj hauv qab no tam sim no.

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