1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

Dean Ave., East and Allis Ave.

Project Details

  • Location

    • 301 East Dean Avenue
      Madison, WI 53716
  • Project Type

  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 15
  • Contract Number

Project Information

Latest Update

11/19/2021 Update:

The majority of the work on this project is now complete.  The asphalt paving and mainline sidewalks are all installed, and the contractor is working on the sidewalk ramps, the speed humps, and finishing the remaining landscaping work, including the rain gardens.

Project Overview

In 2021, the City plans to reconstruction portions of E. Dean Ave., Allis Ave., Seth Cir. And Tyler Cir.  The proposed project would include replacement of the sanitary sewer and water mains, installation of new storm sewer, and replacement of the asphalt pavement with new curb and gutter and sidewalk.

A variety of design options were considered for how to reconstruct Dean Ave. & Allis Ave.  The design that was approved by the Common Council was Option 1, which is described further below.

Option 1 – 24 ft. wide street with advisory bike lanes and parking pull-out areas, standard sidewalk on both sides

View Option 1 Plan

  • Narrowest street option at 24 feet to best support traffic calming
  • Dashed advisory bike lane on each side of the street
    • This design functions essentially the same as a typical, narrowed local street but provides clear indication that people biking have the right-of-way and increases awareness of people driving that they should expect to encounter people biking.
    • People drive in the center lane, people biking travel on the edge in the dashed area
    • When people driving cars approach each other from opposite directions, they merge into the dashed bike lanes to pass each other. When people biking are present in the bike lane, people driving must yield to the bicyclists before entering the bike lane.
  • This design has been modified to include parking pull-out areas to maintain some street parking. The street will have wider sections to provide a few parking spots, typically in mid-block locations.
  • Wider terrace space for rain gardens and/or larger canopy tree plantings and for additional snow storage.
  • Standard 5 ft. wide sidewalk on each side of the street

Additional Information on Advisory Bike Lanes

Advisory bike lanes look similar to standard bike lanes, but used dashed line instead of solid lines to signal to drivers that they may also use that space when needed.  Streets with advisory bike lanes function similarly to a narrow street without any lane markings in that users will periodically need to yield to other users in order to safely maneuver the street.  The advisory bike lanes do not impact the amount of roadway space that can be used by motor vehicles, but they provide greater awareness that the roadway space is to be shared with cyclists.  These types of markings can also help reduce speeds and improve safety on the roadway.

When you drive on a street with advisory bike lanes:

  • Drive as you would on a street without a centerline, staying to the right of oncoming traffic.
  • It is OK to drive in the advisory bike lane when a bicycle is not present
  • If a bicycle is in the advisory bike lane, move to the left, fully into the center lane, to safely pass.
  • If there is oncoming vehicular traffic, hang back behind the bicyclist until it is safe to pass

When you bike on a street with advisory bike lanes:

  • Watch for vehicles driving in or merging into the advisory lane
  • Always bike with caution and assume that turning or merging motor vehicles may not see you
  • When leaving the bike lane – such as to make a left turn – look behind you and signal your intentions
Advisory Bike Lanes, 2 Bikes, 1 Car
Advisory Bike Lane Option
Advisory Bike Lanes, 2 Cars
Advisory Bike Lane

Following the installation of advisory bike lanes in their city, Ottawa created a brief video to help provide some guidance on how to use these types of streets.

Allis Avenue

Allis Ave. Option A – 26 ft. wide street with parking on one side

  • Narrower street would support traffic calming
  • No specific lane markings, so available space is shared by vehicles and cyclists
  • Maintains parking on one side of the street
  • Maintains wider terraces for larger canopy trees plantings and/or rain garden opportunities


Since the lot sizes and work included with this project will result in relatively high assessments to the adjacent property owners, we plan to request that the pay-back period for the assessments be extended out to 15 years.  There would be interest payments included with the installments, but the current interest rate for 2021 project has been set at 2 percent.  Estimates for the amount of the assessments are noted below, along with an estimated schedule of payments, if paid over 15 years.

Estimated costs of assessments to each property, assuming a lot frontage of 100 ft.:

Street Improvements (curb and gutter and 4’ of pavement): $5,500

New sidewalk installation: $3,500

Replace Driveway Apron: $1,500

Replace Sanitary Sewer Lateral: $2,000

Total Estimated Assessment: $12,500

Less Safe Routes Grant for Sidewalk: $1,750

Total Estimated Cost: $10,750

View Estimated Schedule of Assessment Payments

The City of Madison offers additional financing for the payment of Special Assessments to eligible home owners.  This program is administered through the Office of Community Development. Visit the Office of Community Development website for more information.

Project Limits

E. Dean Ave. from Monona Dr. to Allis Ave.
Allis Ave. from E. Dean Ave. to Turner Ave.
Seth Circle from Dean Ave. to the southerly end
Tyler Circle from Dean Ave. to the northerly end
Shaffer Ave. from Allis Ave. to approximately 200 ft. north of Allis Ave.

Project Schedule

Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin June 14, 2021.

Public Involvement

There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates and times are indicated below:

Public Information Meetings

Dec. 17, 2020 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation

Nov. 9, 2020 Public Information Meeting Recording

Nov. 9 2020 Public Information Meeting PowerPoint Presentation

City Meetings, Process

Anticipated schedule; dates are subject to change
Transportation Commission: Dec. 9, 2020
Board of Parks Commissioners: Feb. 10, 2021
Board of Public Works: Feb. 17, 2021, approved
Common Council: March 2, 2021, approved

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