Affordable Rental Housing Development
CDD provides gap financing to affordable rental housing developments that will accomplish at least one of the following objectives:
- Increase the supply of safe, quality, affordable rental housing
- Preserve existing income- and rent-restricted rental housing
- Improve the existing rental housing stock through acquisition and rehabilitation
All developments funded by CDD must also ensure long-term affordability, while demonstrating high levels of environmental sustainability.
Additionally, rental housing developments must also have tenant selection plans that meet CDD's Tenant Selection Plan Standards.
Funding Processes
CDD has several RFP processes that seek to support affordable rental housing developments. Information on project and applicant eligibility, funding sources, loan structure and terms is detailed in their associated webpages.
Affordable Housing Targeted Area Map
Below are links to printable and searchable versions of the Affordable Housing Targeted Area Map, which is used to direct City funds in support of development that is well-connected to public transit and other areas well-connected to neighborhood amenities. This map is updated prior to each annual funding cycle, and is created in alignment with other major City investments:
Additional Resources
- Zoning Map: This map displays the City of Madison's Zoning Districts, Local Historic Districts, Local Landmarks and Urban Design Districts and can be used to determine what properties are in a district(s).
- Generalized Future Land Use Map: This map displays the City of Madison's Generalized Future Land Use from the Comprehensive Plan and can be used to determine what a property's future land use is.
- Housing Forward: The City's housing agenda which includes a series of efforts to increase housing choice, create affordable housing, combat displacement and segregation, ensure seniors and others can stay in their homes, and the City’s efforts to end homelessness.