Crisis Intervention and Prevention

The City of Madison's Community Development Division (CDD) funds programs that support persons affected by traumatic events with the goal to increase safety and stability.
Crisis Intervention and Prevention Service Types
- Crisis Intervention Support Services work with people that experience violence.
- Recovery and Stabilization Services provide ongoing support and referrals to key systems. These include healthcare, education, courts, public services, immigration, legal services, and others.
- Prevention Services and Activities provide information, skills and resources, building on protective factors.
The City provided funding to organizations through a competitive RFP process in 2021. CDD anticipates the next funding process will be in 2025. For information on upcoming funding processes visit our Funding Opportunities page.
If you are experiencing a crisis and need immediate help please call the 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline.
If you need help related to intimate partner violence and/or sexual assault (for yourself or a loved one) please reach out to the following agencies:
Rape Crisis Center: 24-Hour Helpline: (608) 251-7273 https://www.thercc.org/
DAIS Help Line: (608) 251-4445 or Text: (608) 420-4638 https://abuseintervention.org/
UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-800-510-9195 https://www.unidoswi.org /