1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

2023 Early Childhood Funding RFP (Closed)


The Community Development Division (CDD) of the City of Madison seeks to create a foundation for Madison residents to readily access high-quality early care and learning environments, for child care providers to have the training to support the physical and emotional development of young children, and for children to have access to culturally responsive providers. The City is therefore seeking proposals to provide programming and services to the early childhood care and education community and workforce, defined as early care professionals and regulated programs primarily serving children ages birth to 5 years old.

In 2023, CDD seeks to continue its commitment to increase access to high-quality early care and education programs, build staff capacity and retention for established centers, and create opportunities to provide technical assistance for parties interested in establishing new child care operations.

The City of Madison’s Community Development Division’s programming is reviewed through the lens of its impact on poverty, racial equity, and social justice. Organizations that can demonstrate capacity to provide programming and services that will have an impact in those areas are encouraged to apply. This may look different from program to program, depending on the methods, curriculum, programming, etc. used in the program. Proposals should demonstrate a commitment to equity and inclusion by active promotion of diversity (racial, socio-economic, ability, etc.) at all levels of the program and the implementation of strategic responses.

Process Overview

  1. Review RFP Guidelines and Resources

    Please read the Guidelines carefully before completing your application, and pay close attention to key dates included in the timeline.

    Early Childhood Funding RFP

    Early Childhood Care and Education 2023 Concept Paper

  2. Attend the Workshop

    Applicants were encouraged to attend an optional virtual RFP workshop on July 31, 2023 at 12:00 pm CST.  

    Workshop Recording

  3. Review the Timeline

    Please keep these important dates in mind when preparing to submit your application.

    • July 10, 2023: Release of the RFP
    • July 31, 2023 at 12:00 pm: Optional Virtual Workshop - Register for the Workshop
    • August 16, 2023 at 12:00 pm CST: Deadline for Submission of Proposals
    • September 14, 2023 at 2:30 pm CST: Applicant Presentations to the Early Childhood Care and Education Committee
    • October 17, 2023: Common Council Approval
    • October 18, 2023: Notification of Award
    • January 1, 2024: Anticipated Contract Start Date

    These dates are for planning purposes. They represent the City's desired timeline for implementing this process. All dates are tentative, non-binding, and subject to change, with notice.

  4. Fill Out the Application

    Applicant agencies will utilize the provided application. The response to the RFP should be complete and comprehensive but succinct. The total number of pages should not exceed fifteen (15) with all attachments including budget. Attachments or documents not specifically required should not be submitted.

    NOTE: If an applicant is proposing to include multiple methods of services or programs, for example, on-site child care programming and separately provide consultation services for other programs, two applications should be submitted separately. If an agency is proposing to do the same service at multiple locations, for example, child care at two different locations, one proposal may be submitted. The proposal should clearly delineate details for each location. Please contact Monty Marsh at mmarsh@cityofmadison.com with questions about submitting proposal that include multiple methods of service.

  5. Submit the Application

    Applications MUST be received by 12:00 pm CST (Noon) on August 16, 2023.

    Proposals must be submitted to: CDDapplications@cityofmadison.com

    All proposals must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or pdf format.

    Please include only the required submittals specified below:

    • Application (one or more, as applicable) 
    • One Budget Workbook which includes all organization and program information.
    • Fiscal Agent Form -- Complete the form if applicable

    Applications time stamped received after 12:00 pm CST will not be considered, No exceptions!

    You will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted your application(s). These email notifications are not auto generated so allow some time for a person to receive and process your application. If you do not receive a notification within 2 hours, it means that your application did not get delivered.

  6. Submitted Applications

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