City of Madison Police Civilian Oversight Board Announces Hiring of Independent Police Monitor
The Police Civilian Oversight Board (PCOB) is proud to announce the appointment of John Tate II to the position of Independent Police Monitor (IM). The responsibilities of the IM include oversight of the Madison Police Department’s (MPD) compliance with internal policies and procedures.
The PCOB, comprised of thirteen City of Madison residents, selected Mr. Tate as the first Independent Police Monitor in the City of Madison’s history. John has a Master’s Degree in Social Work specializing in mental health from Loyola University, Chicago. His experience comes from his time as a Chairperson for the Wisconsin Parole Commission, as an alder for the City of Racine, Third District, and as a social worker.
“Throughout his career, Mr. Tate has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to actively listening to – and serving as an advocate for – some of the most marginalized individuals and families in our state. We believe that Mr. Tate’s ability to stand firm in support of difficult decisions and his proven ability to collaboratively solve problems by engaging with and centering the voices of diverse community members will make him a tremendous asset to our community. We are honored to welcome him to serve as our inaugural Independent Monitor and look forward to working with him to strengthen relationships between law enforcement and members of the Greater Madison community", said Keetra Burnette, PCOB Chair.
Tate will begin his new position as the Independent Police Monitor on December 5, 2022, pending approval by the Common Council. His salary is scheduled to be $125,000.