Silver Santa Event Celebrate Seniors This Holiday Season
For the second year in a row, The Madison Senior Center will be hosting a Silver Santa event, celebrating the holiday season and the older adults who make our community so special. The City recognizes that many seniors spend the holidays alone, and may not otherwise have the opportunity to open a gift or even eat a nice meal. They may be on a very limited income, far from family, estranged from family or all of the above. Research shows that isolation and loneliness can have significant negative impact on health, both physical and mental. Depression is typically worse around the holidays and during the winter months.
Seniors attending Silver Santa, happening Thursday, December 15 from 12:30 – 2:30pm at the Madison Senior Center on 330 W Mifflin St, Madison, WI 53703 will be able to enjoy refreshments from Renaissance Senior Living and wrapped gifts from Vista West. Sonic Foundry is supplying transportation and Christmas carols and Humana will be providing both transportation and decorations.
“We’re so grateful for the community sponsors helping make this event possible for a second year. This is our way of bringing a little joy and holiday spirit to some of the older people in our community who need it the most. Last year we had 55 registrants for the event. This year we had 123 so it really is needed, “said Program Coordinator Laura Hunt.
The City would also like to thank all of the service coordinators at the following residential locations for working with us to identify seniors who will most benefit from Silver Santa.
Romnes CDA Apartments
Tenney CDA Apartments
Fisher Taft Apartments
NewBridge Hispanic Older Adult Program
Media Inquiries:
Liz Stanislawski, City of Madison Dept. of Planning, Community & Economic Development
Public Information Officer
(608) 266-9013