UPDATE: New Meeting Date for 609 E. Dayton Street
postedWe will not be meeting this Tuesday, but rather on Thursday 17 March at 6:00 pm. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Zoom meeting invitation below.
You can see the developer's proposal here: https://tenneylapham.org/about-tlna/development/dayton-hotel/.
At the meeting on the 17th, we will be discussing the following items:
- developer's changes since last meeting
- items to suggest for a building management plan
- items to emphasize in the steering committee report
Many of you have shared your thoughts by email directly to me. I am compiling them and sharing them with the steering committee.
best, Bob
Topic: Dayton Hotel Steering Committee
Time: Mar 17, 2022 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 819 1216 0163
Passcode: 436540
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Bob Klebba he him his
TLNA Development Chair
704 E Gorham St
Madison WI 53703-1522