City of Madison Recognizes National Homeownership Month
Public Invited to Free Webinars on Long-lasting Homeownership
The City of Madison is recognizing National Homeownership Month by encouraging Madison residents to explore incentives that can lead to homeownership. It’s part of the City’s commitment to working toward better access to safe, secure, and affordable housing for all. Madison offers several programs that help with down payment expenses, property taxes, and home improvement costs - all with the goal of making owning a home and staying in that home attainable for households with more modest incomes. The City partners with various community-based partners to support these efforts.
Join a panel of experts for our two free webinars this month:
- June 12th 10:00 am-11:30 am - Thinking about homeownership?
- Registration is required. Click here to sign up.
- June 15th 12:00 pm-1:30 pm - Resources for homeowners
- Registration is required. Click here to sign up.
“The prospect of buying a home may seem daunting to some because they wonder how they are going to maintain homeownership. Too many Madison residents are one health emergency or one missed paycheck away from missing a mortgage payment. We want to make sure families, seniors, and other individuals, especially those who have faced inequities in the housing system know about our programs to increase housing stability,” said Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway. While we pause to celebrate National Homeownership Month and reflect on the various programs the City continues to offer and the organizations that build on this work, there remains a high need for programs in our community to make homeownership accessible and affordable to all our residents, and increase their power of choice. Continued support and utilization of these programs is important to keeping our housing stock well-maintained and our neighborhoods vibrant.”
The path to homeownership can take many forms. Common Wealth Development and Madison Area Community Land Trust are two community based organizations with a long history in Madison that offer alternative pathways to homeownership. If you wish to support affordable homeownership, consider selling your home to Common Wealth, Madison Area Community Land Trust, or a first time homebuyer that uses down payment assistance programs.
To learn more about resources available for homeowners and potential homeowners, click here.
resources_for_homebuyers.pdf - Thinking about homeownership webinar signup
- Resources for homeowners webinar signup