Creating Equitable Interviews
Upcoming Dates
Course Description
Build awareness on how bias, both explicit and implicit, can impact hiring decisions. Learn how to create an interview process by incorporating job-related behavioral questions with measurable benchmarks to effectively address bias in the interview process and for more objective candidate evaluations.
This course is mandatory for all supervisors and recommended for all interview panelists.
Presented by: Bill Wick and Javian Dayne - Human Resources
Course Resources
- Position Description Example: Payroll Clerk
- Handout: Interview Tips
- Handout: Types of Bias
- Handout: Job Interview Bias Exercise
- Handout: Traditional to Behavioral Interview Questions Exercise
- Handout: Red Flag Process for Hiring Managers
Course Recording
If you're in need of Equitable Interviewing information before or after a live offerng is available, you can access a recorded version of the content via our Online Courses webpage.