About Alder Juliana Bennett
Alder Juliana Bennett (she/they) is a young, queer, Black leader in Madison WI. She graduated from Madison West High School in 2018 and recently graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with degrees in Real Estate and Political Science. After graduating UW, Juliana was hired at the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority. Throughout her time in Madison, Juliana has set herself apart as a community advocate. Juliana became a community organizer, during the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement. Juliana then co-founded the Madison BIPOC Coalition to streamline actionable initiatives to advance the needs of students of color.
Eventually, Juliana ran for and won her election to become an alder on Madison Common Council in 2021. During their time on the city council, Juliana championed affordable housing policies, violence prevention initiatives, community investment, fair maps during redistricting, equal access to transportation, and uplifting the voices of those most underserved in our communities. Now that Juliana was re-elected to serve as the District 2 Alder, she will prioritize downtown and the greater Madison area community needs for affordable housing, equitable transportation, and violence prevention.
Alder Bennett would love to hear individual input about issues important to the Madison area. Feel free to contact her (608) 960-9063 or email district2@cityofmadison.com. Sign up for her weekly blog for regular updates about city issues.