Bird & Nature Adventures | Tenney Park
Event Description

Spring Buds and Birds ~ Join Naturalist Paul Noeldner at Tenney Park Beach for a free family friendly guided walk to look for buds ready to burst on bushes and trees, bright red and black Cardinals and Redwings singing sweet songs to establish nesting territories and attract mates, colorful noisy migratory ducks on the water and other signs of Spring! Did you know every cell in every new leaf is already formed tiny in the bud? They wait for the right mix of sunny days to pump up with sap and spring into action!
Nature-expert guided walks in Tenney Park along Lake Mendota and the Yahara River Parkway bike path through the Madison Isthmus are free, family-friendly and held the first Saturday of each month, from 1:30-3pm. The walk begins at the Tenney Beach parking lot, 1330 Sherman Avenue. No registration is required. No pets are allowed. Co-sponsored by Madison FUN Friends of Urban Nature, Madison Parks, Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association and Friends of the Yahara River Parkway